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/ Publisher's Paradise / Publisher's Paradise (Media Graphics International) (CDRM1029530).iso / pc / qtfonts / qtpandor.ttf (.png) < prev    next >
TrueType Font  |  1992-10-06  |  49KB
Labels: bulletin board | fence | grass | reckoner | sky | vegetarianism | water
OCR: ab.defghijkImnopqrstuvwxuz ABC DEFGHIJKI MNOPORSTUVWXYZ 012345678 9 @#$%*- +=, / The quick brown fox jurrpa OYC hc l dos The quick browr fox jumps the lazy dog The brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The brown fox Jumps over the lazy Sop The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. abxdefahi ABCDEFGHI 0123456789 Iumps